While you can communicate with the Mother Plant, you're not going to get very far unless Possessed. It takes several hours of effort at minimum to get the relationship bar to green.
Communicating Communicating with Mother will gradually build a relationship. You can buy them from the Curio shop in StrangerVille as well, which is especially useful for players who have finished the story but did not know you can befriend her. I'd like to invite people to check out my content and, if you like what I'm doing, subscribe! The new Mother Plant Death.Īttempt to fight the Mother Plant alone, or perhaps taunt her enough, and she'll actually eat you like above.īefriending the Mother Plant Get Bizarre Fruit You can buy Bizarre Fruit from the Curio shop in StrangerVilleīizarre fruit are acquired via nurturing the plants that come out of ground after you've made it to 'The Bloom' in the storyline, which occurs after opening the key card door in the Secret Lab. I now have over 125 videos on Youtube and am nearing 100k subscribers. 10 Million Views! My YouTube channel has grown a lot the last 6 months.